Chick Days at Farm Supply Stores: A Comprehensive Guide to Raising Chicks with Hemp Bedding

January 29, 2024

As spring approaches, farm supply stores across the country gear up for their annual “Chick Days,” a highly anticipated event for poultry enthusiasts and farmers alike. From Tractor Supply to Rural King, these stores become hubs for procuring a variety of chicken breeds and essential supplies. This article will guide you through the process of participating in Chick Days and why hemp bedding is an excellent choice for your new flock.

Chick Days are indeed special events organized by various farm supply stores, such as Tractor Supply, Rural King, and Farm and Home Supply. These events provide a unique and exciting opportunity for customers to purchase baby chicks and a range of essential supplies needed for raising them. Typically held in the early spring and sometimes again in the fall, these events cater to a diverse audience, from backyard poultry enthusiasts to small-scale farmers.

What Makes Chick Days Special?

1. Wide Selection of Breeds: One of the highlights of Chick Days is the variety of chicken breeds available. These range from popular egg-laying breeds to those suited for meat production. Whether you’re looking for Rhode Island Reds for their prolific egg-laying abilities or Cornish Crosses for meat, these events offer an array of options.

2. Educational Resources: For beginners, Chick Days are more than just a purchasing opportunity. Many stores provide educational materials and workshops. These resources are invaluable for those new to poultry keeping, offering guidance on everything from setting up a brooder to chicken health management.

3. Community Engagement: Chick Days often foster a sense of community among poultry enthusiasts. They provide a platform for local farmers and hobbyists to connect, share tips, and discuss their experiences in chicken rearing.

4. Seasonal Timing: The timing of these events is strategically planned. Spring is an ideal time for raising chicks as the weather is milder, making it easier to manage young, vulnerable poultry. The fall events cater to those who prefer to raise their chickens in cooler conditions.

5. Availability of Supplies: Beyond chicks, these events are a one-stop-shop for all poultry-related needs. From specialized feed to brooding equipment, and from waterers to coops, customers can find everything required to start or expand their flock.

6. Expert Advice: Often, staff at these stores are knowledgeable about poultry and can offer valuable advice. This guidance can be crucial for successful chicken rearing, especially for those who are new to this venture.

7. Health and Safety: The chicks sold during these events are generally sourced from reputable hatcheries and are vaccinated and checked for health. This ensures that customers are buying healthy chicks, which is crucial for establishing a healthy flock.

Why are Chick Days Important?

Chick Days play a significant role in promoting sustainable living and backyard farming. They make poultry keeping more accessible to the general public and encourage self-sufficiency in food production. By offering a comprehensive solution from purchase to care, these events help demystify the process of raising chickens and contribute to the growing interest in local, organic food sources.

In conclusion, Chick Days are more than just sales events; they are educational and community-building experiences that support and enhance the practice of poultry keeping. Whether you are an experienced chicken farmer or a curious beginner, these events offer valuable resources, products, and a community to help you successfully raise your flock.

Finding the Right Store

To find a retailer participating in Chick Days, search terms like “Chick Days at Tractor Supply,” “Rural King live chicks for sale,” or “Farm and Home Supply Chick Days” are effective. For those looking to find the nearest store offering chicks, a search for “farm supply stores selling chicks” is recommended.

Choosing Your Chicks

During Chick Days, the variety of chicken breeds available is one of the key attractions for enthusiasts and farmers. This variety caters to different needs, whether for egg production, meat, or even as pets. However, understanding the labeling and sexing of chicks is crucial for making informed decisions.

1. Labeling by Breed: Many stores tag their chicks by specific breeds. This is particularly helpful for those looking for particular characteristics in their chickens, like egg color, temperament, or adaptability to certain environments. For instance, if someone is interested in a breed known for its hardiness in colder climates, like the Plymouth Rock, they can easily find it through labeled sections.

2. Straight Run Chicks: This term refers to chicks that are sold just as they are hatched, without being sexed. This means buyers get a mix of male and female chicks. Straight run chicks are often preferred by those who are not concerned about the gender ratio in their flock or who are looking for a more natural assortment of chickens.

3. Sexed Pullets: Pullets are young female chickens, and when stores offer ‘sexed pullets,’ they are indicating that the chicks have been sorted by gender, and only females are being sold. This option is popular among those who want to avoid raising roosters, either due to local regulations against crowing or because they are solely interested in egg production.

4. Accuracy of Chick Sexing: It’s important to note that sexing chicks is a skill that, while generally reliable, is not infallible. Even with experienced personnel, there is a chance of mistakenly identifying the gender of a chick. This can result in unexpected roosters in a batch of pullets. The accuracy of sexing can vary, but typically, there’s about a 90-95% success rate.

5. Consequences of Mis-sexed Chicks: For those living in urban or suburban areas with restrictions on roosters, an unexpected male bird can be a significant issue. It’s essential to have a plan in case you end up with a rooster, such as rehoming options or checking if local farm supply stores offer a return policy for mis-sexed birds.

In summary, when participating in Chick Days, buyers should be aware of the different ways chicks are offered and the implications of each. While choosing sexed pullets might reduce the likelihood of getting a rooster, there’s always a small chance of a surprise. On the other hand, opting for a straight run gives a natural mix but requires readiness to manage both genders. Understanding these options helps in making the best choice for your specific poultry-keeping goals.

Supplies for Chick Rearing

Apart from chicks, these stores also stock essential rearing supplies like feeders, waterers, chick starter feed, brooding setups, and bedding. Workshops and resources on chick care are often part of the event.

Why Choose Hemp Bedding for Your Coop?

When setting up your chicken coop, selecting the right bedding is crucial for the health and comfort of your chickens. Hemp bedding stands out as a superior choice for a variety of reasons, enhancing the overall environment of your coop.

1. Absorbency: Hemp bedding‘s high absorbency is a key feature. It is capable of absorbing up to four to five times its weight in moisture. This property keeps the coop dry, thus reducing the proliferation of bacteria and the need for frequent bedding changes. A dry environment is essential for the health of your chickens, as it minimizes the risk of respiratory issues and bacterial growth.

2. Eco-Friendly: The sustainability of hemp bedding is another significant advantage. Hemp grows rapidly and doesn’t require the use of pesticides or herbicides, making it an environmentally friendly choice. Being biodegradable and compostable, hemp bedding breaks down naturally and can be used as a nutrient-rich compost for gardens after its lifecycle in the coop, contributing to a circular eco-friendly process.

3. Comfort and Safety: The physical comfort of your chickens is also a priority, and hemp bedding addresses this need effectively. Its soft texture is gentle on the chickens’ feet, reducing the chance of foot injuries, and provides a comfortable surface for them to rest on. Additionally, the cushioning effect of hemp bedding is beneficial for egg-laying hens, as it minimizes the risk of egg breakage upon laying.

4. Thermal Regulation: Maintaining an appropriate temperature within the coop is vital, especially for young chicks. Hemp bedding has excellent insulating properties, helping to keep the coop warm during colder seasons. This attribute is crucial for young chicks who are more susceptible to temperature fluctuations and require a consistently warm environment for optimal growth and health.

5. Pest Repellent and Odor Control: Hemp bedding is naturally equipped to handle pests and odors, two common challenges in chicken coops. The bedding has inherent antibacterial properties, which play a role in reducing odors and controlling the growth of harmful bacteria. Additionally, it acts as a natural repellent against common pests like mites and lice, contributing to a healthier and more hygienic living space for your chickens.

In conclusion, hemp bedding is a multifaceted solution for chicken coops, offering benefits that go beyond basic requirements. Its absorbency, eco-friendliness, comfort and safety features, thermal regulation capabilities, and pest and odor control properties make it an ideal choice for poultry farmers seeking a high-quality, sustainable, and effective bedding option for their flocks.


Chick Days offer an exciting opportunity to start or expand your poultry flock. By choosing the right farm supply store and equipping yourself with the knowledge and supplies like hemp bedding, you’re setting yourself up for a successful and enjoyable chicken-rearing experience. Whether you’re a seasoned farmer or a new hobbyist, this guide aims to ensure your Chick Days adventure is both productive and rewarding.

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